
Frontline is a large, charismatic church with various services. You are welcome to join us at any Sunday service so see below for details.   

Sunday Morning 10:30am 

Our Sunday Morning service is 10:30am through to about 12pm. It’s relaxed and accessible as we gather together to celebrate God and learn more about Him. We do this through music and song and through a message based on the Bible. There is an opportunity to receive prayer at the end of most services. 
Three Sundays out of four we have different groups for children age 14 and under, as well as a parent's room and a group for children who need a quieter environment.  On the Second Sunday of the month we gather together for an All-Age service.

Sunday Evening  
 6:30pm In-Person    |   7pm Livestream

Our Evening Service is both in-person and online.
CROWD is done a bit differently for those who might find traditional church irrelevant or boring. We believe the church can and should be dif­fer­ent because Jesus is def­i­nite­ly NOT irrel­e­vant and bor­ing. In fact, Jesus is the most inspiring person we know.
As well as worship and teaching there is time at CROWD for discussion and we are not put off by big questions. It is a com­mu­ni­ty, a safe space to explore or to grow in your faith and a place where you can con­tribute.
In-Person: 6:30pm, Sundays at Frontline  
Livestream: Sunday, 7pm on YouTube
More info:


Persian Language Service / Frontline Iranian  Church 3:30pm

Frontline Iranian Church is led by Pastor Shapoor Ahmadifar. They meet every Sunday at 3:30 - 5pm in Frontline Centre to worship in a Persian Language service. They also meet for Bible Study on Tuesday evenings.
For more information contact /


Polish Believers 1pm

Jesteśmy grupą Polaków, którzy wierzą w Słowo Boże i że Jezus Chrystus jest obecny w Kościele. Jesteśmy ludźmi, którzy szukają Ducha Świętego w osobie Jezusa Chrystusa i On jest naszym nauczycielem i tym, który nas prowadzi. Spotykamy się cotygodniowo w piątek aby studiować Słowo Boże oraz w Niedzielę na nabożeństwo w Frontline Center, 147 Lawrence Road, L15 3HA o 13:00-14:30. Jesteśmy rodziną i chcemy pomagać sobie nawzajem i błogosławić wszystkich naszych braci i siostry. Staramy się być uczniami Jezusa każdego dnia. Jeśli chcesz do nas dołączyć lub jesteś już wierzący w Jezusa i chcesz pogłębić swoją wiarę, zapraszamy Cię.