Stories are powerful. We share our stories as a way of thanking God for what He's done. We share our stories as a way of saying, what God has done for me he can do for you. Sometimes our stories are big. Sometimes they're small. Sometimes they're complete, others stories are works in progress. Whatever you're story, we'd love to hear it!
"God healed my wrist permanently in the church when I was prayed for by the prayer team after having been to hospital."

"We were on holiday in France and our son (11) was ill. He'd been swimming in the local river and lakes, and his right ear canal had swollen and closed almost completely. His ear was red and warm, and his glands swollen. It was Sunday morning, the shops were shut for painkillers, and he was in pain. Almost as a last resort we decided to pray for his ear. We read from James 5, about anointing with oil and praying in faith. We anointed his ear with olive oil and prayed for his ear. Within 30 seconds the ear canal had opened completely and the redness and heat had gone from his ear. We were shocked! But we thanked God anyway. It was a lovely reminder that even on holiday, God was with us."     

"I gave up my job even though I'd just been offered a promotion so that I could work for Frontline as a youth worker. Working for Frontline is only part-time so I moved back in with my parents to save money. I spoke to a place where I'd worked before to ask them if there was any work going and they offered me a job which exactly the opposite hours to the youth worker role and no weekends. Praise God!"

"God has always been faithful - in my work, life, family and home"
"I was speaking to a lady in a coffee shop on Allerton Road and gave her a 4Points tract. She looked at it and said she knew God loved her but it was so timely to hear as a friend of hers had just died. She said that God must have sent me to her that afternoon. She put one tract in front of her computer and took another to keep in her wallet."

"Thank God for the opportunity to share some of my testimony with a work colleague"