Celebrating our diversity... Martin
on July 2nd, 2020
My name is Martin and I was born on the Wirral – the place no one has ever heard of unless you live within about 20 miles of it! I’m not sure I’d know the meaning of the word “peninsula” if I wasn’t born on one!Anyway, growing up in the 80’s and 90’s meant that racism was definitely present in the society around me but I have always been blessed in that I’ve never experienced anything severe despi...  Read More
Celebrating our diversity... Sherlon
on June 19th, 2020
Over the next few weeks we are planning to introduce some of our BAME Frontline members and find out more about their stories, challenges, hopes and dreams. We're starting this week with Sherlon... I grew up in South London in the 70s and 80s. Both my parents were from Barbados, part of the Windrush generation that came over after the Second World War to help rebuild, “the Mother country” as they called it. I know racism was a constant in their lives but they hardly spoke of it....  Read More
It's all about Jesus - Chris K
on November 21st, 2019
Some people when you mention the word theology say, ‘I don’t really care for theology, it’s all about Jesus’. The thing is…that is a theology. Theology is any belief that we have about God.We all have a theology – we all carry around a belief about God and those beliefs reflect in how we relate or don’t relate to God, the world and each other.So our theology is powerful because what we believe abo...  Read More
Interrupted by God - Jack M
on July 10th, 2019
Having two children I wanted to share a few thoughts about tiredness, busyness and the quest to ‘make time’ for God. Of course, that language is what has led me and many others down a certain path. That path that lures so often with its tempting ways and has left me feeling pretty empty at times, lazy, even faithless as I’ve failed to make the time for God. There’s a different path though isn’t th...  Read More
The Bridegroom Fast - John H
on June 26th, 2019
Then John (the Baptist’s) disciples came and asked Jesus, ‘How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?’  Jesus answered, ‘How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. Matthew 9:14-15I have a confession. I love food. It’s a passion of mine. I love reading coo...  Read More
Are you washed in the blood? - John H
on June 13th, 2019
A reflection on redeeming language.I grew up (physically and spiritual) in the 80’s and 90’s. I went to Bible College and studied theology at the end of the 90’s. There was a huge trend at the time to ‘drop the jargon’; a challenge to make our language more accessible to seekers and our services more attractional. We were told, ‘don’t say and do things that are weird’. The motivation was good; to ...  Read More
Awakening Prayer - Anna Evans
on May 28th, 2019
“I find it exciting to see God outworking his plans during the morning service.”Clare Dowrick“I love tuning into the Holy Spirit with a group of others and sensing his blessing and direction for the meeting.”Lynne Slattery.“I feel that joining in Awaken prayer is a way I can genuinely serve the church. It also builds my faith and sharpens my spirit as I join with others in prayer. There is nothing...  Read More
Happy Mondays - Kat
on May 7th, 2019
Hello, my name is Kathryn and I work in HR (not everyone’s favourite profession I know!) in the NHS. My job is ultimately to support the smooth entry, development, management and exit of those working for my NHS trust. This week, my job involves me working with colleagues across the region to review pay rates for agency staff, a workshop reflecting on managing people in a just and fair way, approp...  Read More
Happy Mondays - Nicky
on May 1st, 2019
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” - Matthew 19 v14My name is Nicky Gibson and I work for Sticky Fingers Nursery. I have been married to John for 35 years and have three grown-up children and four amazing grandchildren! I trained as a primary school teacher many years ago and had been working as a supply teacher i...  Read More
Creative Spaces - Beth
on April 24th, 2019
During our preaching series ‘Because of Jesus…’ we have created a large piece of artwork. Each week different artists have created the sections during our Sunday Service, which have been related to the topics each week.Being creative through art is one way that we can worship and respond to God’s word.We are made in the image of God, the creator and each of us is unique. Creativity is also not one...  Read More
Happy Mondays - Honor
on April 17th, 2019
I started my working life as a primary school teacher which was followed by ten years working for Frontline Church. Increasingly I recognised that one of my main strengths lay in helping people through difficult times in their lives so I began training as a counsellor while I was still working at Frontline. I started training aged 59 which in itself was a challenge as I was by far the oldest on th...  Read More
Travelling at the speed of light - John Harding
on April 9th, 2019
We’ve been thinking throughout our series ‘Because of Jesus’ about our identity in Christ. How we are hidden in Him, and how as we behold Him, we start to see ourselves for who we really are. It’s a profound mystery; how we can be in Christ and Christ in us. How you are in Christ and I am in Christ. We’ve said throughout the series how we died with Christ. Somehow, 2000 years ago, you died in Him ...  Read More