God cares about...

Jan 30, 2022

Today we learned that God knows how we feel. We thought about how sometimes our big feelings can cause us to make the wrong choices. We learned that we can ask God for help in these moments. We can ask him to help us to be kind to others and to make the right choices. We thanked God for giving us the Holy Spirit as our helper.

To reinforce the lesson this week:

1. Remind your child of the "5 finger prayer" that we learned in Twinkle today. When your child is feeling overwhelmed in a situation, encourage them to pray this prayer, pointing to one finger per word:
"Dear God please help me"

2. Discuss emotions with your child this week, using the paper plate face which they made as a craft today as a prompt. Encourage your child to identify specific emotions as they're feeling them, eg. happy, excited, angry, sad, frustrated, disappointed, etc. Use this as an opportunity to discuss how God knows how they feel in those moments.

Also - why not check out the Twinkle playlist on the link above!