God cares that...

Jan 16, 2022

This week we learned that God knows that we are growing and that he decides and knows what we will look and be like as we grow older. We played a game talking about what jobs people can do when we grow up and how although we can’t do those things now that God is helping us to grow and one day we will.

To carry on talking about the topic this week why not try one of these or a variation on them?

To reinforce this lesson this week:
1.Look through your child’s baby book or old family photos. Point out how they have grown – God knows that!

2.Get your child to try on some of their own old clothes. Point out how much they have grown and remind them that God knows that too.

3.Read books or look at ‘When I grow up’ books and talk about how God knows what we will do and will help us grow up to do it.

Also - why not check out the Twinkle playlist link above!