God cares about...
This term in Twinkle we will be looking at how God Cares - that he knows everything about us and is intimately involved in the details of our lives.
This week we learned that God knows our names and what we look like.
To carry on talking about the topic this week why not try one of these or a variation on them?
1. Using paint, make hand prints on a piece of paper. Compare yours with your child's. Point out how each one is different. God made us that way and God knows all about us.
2. Look at a selection of family photos. Ask your child to identify themselves. Remind them that God knows their name and what they look like.
3. Write your child's name along the top of a sheet of paper. Draw a face with two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Using a mirror, help your child to colour the eyes and add hair to match their own. Remind them that God knows their name and what they look like.
Also - why not check out the Twinkle playlist on the link above!