Jesus meets...
This term in Glow we will be looking at the life of Jesus through the people Jesus met.
Today we learnt about Anna and Simeon, reading from Luke 2:25-38. We read how the Holy Spirit spoke to them and that God speaks to us too, through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit. We also spent some time listening to God ourselves. We made a whiteboard to write or draw what God is saying to us on.
Below are some follow up suggestions to help reinforce what the children have learned and make it part of their daily spiritual lives.
Sharing your own spiritual journey – talk about times where God has spoken to you / things he has said to you. If you heard God speak through a passage from the Bible, share that with your children. If you saw a picture in your mind that helped you, tell them what happened.
In everyday life – be aware of God speaking to you throughout the day, for example through nature when you’re walking in the park. Share what God is speaking to you about with your children and encourage them to be aware of God speaking to them too.
OR - If a specific situation comes up why not listen
together for what God has to say about it?
As part of a devotional rhythm maybe develop a regular practice of listening prayer as a family. Some suggestions for how to go about doing this are in the attached sheet.