Jesus meets...
In looking at the story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well this week we particularly talked about Jesus’ living water, the Holy Spirit, living inside us and helping us. We reminded ourselves that although we can’t see the Holy Spirit we can still know he’s there and we can feel Him helping us to understand God’s Word and obey Him.
We also saw how the woman at the well told all the others in the village to come and hear Jesus and we should also share the good news about Jesus with others.
Continuing the conversation
Before you read the Bible or a Bible story together why not pray to the Holy Spirit to ask for help to understand it and speak to you through it.
If your child is in a difficult situation or struggling with feelings then encourage them to ask the Holy Spirit for help which he has promised. They might find a short prayer, counting each word on their fingers to be easy to remember: "Holy Spirit please help me"
We are also continuing to sing the John 3:16 song - The Rizers- John 3:16 (For God So Loved The World) - YouTube to help us learn this verse. Check out the Glow playlist on the link below.
May you all know the Holy Spirit speaking to you and helping you this week.