Happy Mondays - Honor

I started my working life as a primary school teacher which was followed by ten years working for Frontline Church. Increasingly I recognised that one of my main strengths lay in helping people through difficult times in their lives so I began training as a counsellor while I was still working at Frontline. I started training aged 59 which in itself was a challenge as I was by far the oldest on the course but I had a strong sense that God wanted to use my life experience and the gifts I have outside of the church as well as within. This conviction carried me through the challenging moments!

My official counselling began as a volunteer with Liverpool Bereavement Service, supporting people who had experienced the loss of loved ones. During the three years I counselled there a phrase by Bill Bennot often came to me, How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great , as I needed God’s help to listen to the painful experiences people were walking through.

I have now had my own private counselling practice for over two years at Ullet Road Eco Offices, not far from the Frontline building. I thoroughly enjoy running my own one- woman business but mainly love working with people one to one. Every person has a unique story and often behind the initial issue they bring to counselling there is much more to be heard, acknowledged and healed. I have had clients ranging from 16 years up to 84 years, both men and women, some have a faith in God but many do not.

As a counsellor working outside of a church setting I have to work according to the ethics of my registering body (BACP) but if clients bring up spiritual issues of their own accord we can have a conversation around their beliefs. It is always a great joy when a client finishes counselling  to receive a card saying what a difference it has made to them and I am thankful to God for those opportunities to help bind up the brokenhearted.

It has been encouraging to see changing attitudes towards counselling happen over the last few years…it is no longer being seen as just for people with serious mental health problems but that everyone can benefit from the opportunity to talk in a confidential environment about challenges they face, transitions through different seasons of life, handling relationships, jobs, losses, health issues and so much more. Counselling is not a quick fix for the difficulties of life but it is an opportunity to work through them with a compassionate professional alongside. I am grateful to God for calling me to be one of those people.

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